News archives

Simona Augyte

California Sea Grant Welcomes New Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Simona Augyte will build a new program expanding opportunities for Southern California aquaculture

Coastal Panorama

Safeguarding a Shared Coast

New Report Charts Path Forward for US-Mexico Border Region

Totally Impermeable Fumigation Film (TIFF) in field.

New Funding Advances Plastic Recycling on Strawberry Farms

The California Marine Sanctuary Foundation, working with California Sea Grant and the agriculture community, has developed new methods to keep “plasticulture” out of the sea

Aerial shot of a rip current

Teaching Beachgoers to Spot Danger, One Phone at a Time

New app alerts beachgoers to deadly rip currents

2024 State Fellows

‘We have to find a balance’

From water quality to marine protection, California Sea Grant State Fellows shape policy along the Northern Coast

Northern anchovy

Calculating the future of the California Current Ecosystem

To understand the threat of climate change, Prop 84-funded researchers are looking to data from the region’s past

Delta Fellows. Courtesy of Delta Fellows.

Eight emerging scientists address high-priority research needs

The latest cohort of Delta Science Fellows improved our understanding of an important ecological and economic region

Exterior view of Monterey Bay Aquarium

‘A great stepping stone’

From sanctuaries to an aquarium, California Sea Grant State Fellows are diving into the communities of the Central Coast

Young fisherman in the cockpit of a vessel

California Sea Grant Expands Commercial Fishing Training Program with Federal Funding

Apprenticeship program to strengthen fishing workforce in three coastal regions

California State Capitol

California Sea Grant welcomes new 2025 class of state fellows

The year-long fellowship offers hands-on training related to policy and management of marine, coastal and watershed resources.

Brook trout

Why are fish growing smaller as the oceans warm?

Recent research makes one thing clear: It’s not the gills

Ben Dorfman standing at the railing of a boat with a fishing rod

An Accidental Sea-Level Rise Specialist

A California Sea Grant State Fellow is on a mission to protect the beaches he grew up loving

Estuaries outside San Francisco

Navigating the agency world

California Sea Grant State Fellows at the San Francisco Estuary Partnership learn the ins and outs of government work

Sugar kelp miso soup

Savoring Fresh Seaweed

Working with chefs, California Sea Grant is helping consumers understand the appeal of fresh seaweed

Stressed ocean

Mapping a patchwork quilt

By layering oceanographic, biological and social data, a team of researchers hopes to assess how climate change is impacting California’s coast


Examining the climate wins in Marine Protected Areas

New research examined whether “foundational” species in marine protected areas can help offset the impacts of climate change.


Taking the aquaculture temperature

A new California Sea Grant report explores nonprofits’ views on California aquaculture

Head shot of Camila Pauda

Pursuing the long view

Camila Pauda's path to harmonize science, people and the California shoreline went through a California Sea Grant State Fellowship

Students at Mouralherwaqh

‘Transiting’ between Western and Indigenous worldviews

A summer program, supported by California Sea Grant, held on reacquired Wiyot land, collects essential data while sharing Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Cruise Ships in the Port of San Diego

State Fellows learn the policy ropes

At the Port of San Diego and the Coastal California Commission, fellows pursue social justice and ecological flourishing

Kristine Cabbage kneeling in grass for monitoring

Digging deep

How a postdoc position bridged the gap between research and policy in California's crucial Delta

Man observing debris captured by trash booms in a sediment basins

Uniting across borders to tackle land-based marine debris

A $300,000 grant is bringing together efforts in the Tijuana River watershed