News archives

Hand holding a coho salmon.

Fog & Fish

How the marine fog layer impacts fish in streams

Min Khant Han prepares to go diving. Courtesy of Min Khant Han.

Ready for the Next Step: Underrepresented & Minority Undergrads Wrap Up Their California Sea Grant Internships

The year-long internships focus on kelp recovery, but the opportunity allows students to gain new experiences in science. For some, it’s helping to launch new careers.

People gathered around a sturgeon. Dr. Serge I. Doroshov (center). Photo Courtesy of Randy Lovell.

Roe Crops: How Sacramento Became the Caviar Capital of the U.S.

Bolstered by steady funding assistance from California Sea Grant, California’s white sturgeon were successfully brought into domestication

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

Finding the Human Dimension in Environmental Management

2022 California Sea Grant State Fellow Aaron Angel explains how combining social and ecological data can improve monitoring programs across the state

Gathering on Buhne Point

Spent nuclear fuel sits on a crumbling California coastline. So what to do?

A Cal Poly Humboldt research team considers varied viewpoints on a tangled problem

Carina Fish headshot.

Knauss fellow Carina Fish melds justice and science

Working in a senate office reveals ‘how the cookie is made’

Sea Surface and Horizon. Photo credit/courtesy of: Petr Kratochvil.

Forging community and joint voices in the face of DDT’s environmental threat

When offshore DDT disposal in California resurfaced in the media, two Sea Grant programs joined forces

Commercial fisherman Pete Halmay in front of his boat.

‘Everybody thinks the ocean is limitless’

Fisherman Pete Halmay believes that both science and experience play a role in sustaining local fisheries. As told to Ute Eberle.

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The story in the data

Marine science interns turn to storytelling to clarify the numbers behind hypoxia in California

CUFES being installed

The unassuming device that maps California’s fish eggs

California Sea Grant funding helped an innovative tool spread across the world

Fish in water.

Press Release: Can genetic rescue be used as a tool to save endangered species?

Researchers from UC Berkeley, NOAA and California Sea Grant say the technique is being used to bolster California’s endangered coho salmon.

Trash/litter around gutter.

A New $298,000 Grant Will Help Engage Underserved Communities in Efforts to Reduce Marine Debris Pollution

Vulnerable communities are often impacted the most by trash that can become marine debris

People in an agricultural field.

A $2.7 Million Funding Award Aims For End-of-Life Solutions For Plastics Used By Growers Along California’s Central Coast

Millions of pounds of plastics are used on coastal farm fields each year; a new funding award will help researchers to find ways of keeping it out of nearby streams and the ocean

Pamela Tom portrait.

Q&A with former California Sea Grant Seafood Specialist Pamela Tom

Part of a special series celebrating California Sea Grant's 50th anniversary

A view from the cliffs of the rocky coastline of Greyhound Rock State Marine Conservation Area.

California Sea Grant’s Role in Creating the MPA Network

The state’s unique network of marine protected areas extends for over a thousand miles and protects California’s coastal and marine ecosystems holistically

A bird overlooking the San Diego Estuary

Symposium connects science and management in Southern California’s wetlands

The San Diego Estuaries Research Symposium offered a look at innovative wetland research

An ecosystem of the pacific ocean is visible during low tide in Pismo Beach with rocks, tide pools, grass and a person walking their dog on the sandy beach.

Researchers are studying how oyster reefs and eelgrass can fight coastal erosion in California

Living shorelines can help combat erosion caused by sea level rise. A new study investigates what approaches work best.

Meliza Le Alvaredo headshot

California Sea Grant Welcomes Binational Climate Fellow

Through a new fellowship, Meliza Le Alvarado will improve access to coastal resilience science for communities around the San Diego-Northern Baja California region.

Cloudy blue water rushes through rocks in the Trinity River as the evening sunlight shines on a section of evergreen trees lining the rocky river bed.

Pathogen-Resistant Salmon Stock May Signal Hope For The Upper Klamath River

Graduate Research Fellow Leah Mellinger finds promising results in the effort to restock the Upper Klamath River

Four volunteers in neon yellow safety vests dig through the sand with their hands at the edge of the ocean as the water of crashing waves retreats back.

Beach loss through sea level rise will affect underserved communities the most

A new study shows that equitable coastal access might become another victim of climate change – unless we plan proactively