News archives
Why are fish growing smaller as the oceans warm?
Recent research makes one thing clear: It’s not the gills
Navigating the agency world
California Sea Grant State Fellows at the San Francisco Estuary Partnership learn the ins and outs of government work
Mapping a patchwork quilt
By layering oceanographic, biological and social data, a team of researchers hopes to assess how climate change is impacting California’s coast
Examining the climate wins in Marine Protected Areas
New research examined whether “foundational” species in marine protected areas can help offset the impacts of climate change.
‘Transiting’ between Western and Indigenous worldviews
A summer program, supported by California Sea Grant, held on reacquired Wiyot land, collects essential data while sharing Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Digging deep
How a postdoc position bridged the gap between research and policy in California's crucial Delta
Uniting across borders to tackle land-based marine debris
A $300,000 grant is bringing together efforts in the Tijuana River watershed
Preparing abalone for a precarious future
New study suggests white abalone are vulnerable to warming — but genetics might make a difference
From backyard sharks to championing coastal communities
State Fellow Brandon Quintana’s passion combines environmental science and social equity
Undergrad mentorship programs diversify marine sciences
Eight California Sea Grant-funded programs offer support to young researchers
Clarifying the causes of blooms
Contrary to the expectations, ocean acidification may not prompt the production of toxic domoic acid
A detective story in the larval archives
Erica Mason dove back into the biological archives to better understand California’s bass
Endangered ecosystem guardians: Two potential new lamprey species discovered
Reviled as bloodsuckers and diminished in numbers, lampreys cultivate river ecosystems
It’s easy to spot a fish — but not so easy to track its spawning
Research supported by California Sea Grant and the Ocean Protection Council homes in on spawning behaviors
Rewriting Pacific swordfish boundaries
A new, comprehensive dataset clarifies where swordfish travel — which has reworked international management plans
Press Release: New paper shows that adding even small amounts of water to streams can help California’s migratory fish
Researchers from UC Berkeley and California Sea Grant say the technique offers a simple tool to help assist California’s migratory fish
Bridging Borders for Coastal Resilience
California Sea Grant’s First-Ever Binational Climate Fellow Meliza Le Alvarado forges coastal collaborations
How A California Sea Grant Program Helped Shed Light on Salmon Recovery
California Sea Grant completes nearly two decades of monitoring and research.
From finance to shaping a sustainable future
California Sea Grant State Fellow Michael Wells looked at lithium extraction to help California reach its targets for clean air and climate change
Cutting-Edge Science for Kelp Restoration
Results from six innovative research projects will help protect and restore California's vital kelp forests