
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
Implementation of California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring in the Russian River Watershed (2015- 2019)
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture in Federal Waters of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone — A Case Study
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Aquaculture
2018 Community Update
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
2018 Spring Monitoring Report
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
Socioeconomic Guidance for the California Marine Life Management Act Amended Master Plan
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
Modeling pesticide loadings into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: potential impacts on weed biological control
Project Profile
Subject: Aquatic Invasive Species
Phenological indices of wetland recovery in working landscapes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
The effect of particulate organic carbon composition on zooplankton growth in tidal wetlands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Large and small-scale sediment dynamics during (and after) the drought
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
California drought and Delta fishes: Impacts of multiple stressors on the physiological performance and predator/prey dynamics in native and non-native fishes
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research, Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research