
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
2019 Summer Monitoring Report
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
California Sea Grant State Fellowship By the Numbers
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: General Interest
California Commercial Fishing Apprenticeship Program Manual
Educational Materials
Subject: Commercial Fisheries
Addendum to the Upper Green Valley Creek Streamflow Improvement Plan: Salmonids and Flow-Related Habitat Impacts
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
2019 Community Update
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
2019 Spring Monitoring Report
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
Evaluating contributions of hatchery-origin fish to conservation of endangered Sacramento River winter run Chinook salmon during a drought
Project Profile
Perceptions of Risk and Management of the Delta Levee System
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
In search of refuge: Investigating the thermal life history of Delta Smelt through in-situ oxygen isotope ratio analysis of otoliths
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Monitoring Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon life history diversity, growth, and habitat use among varying hydroclimatic regimes
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science