
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
California Sea Grant Program Directory 2005
Reports and Fact Sheets
A Comprehensive Oyster Disease Survey in California
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science
Managing Hull Transport of Aquatic Invasive Species, CD of Workshop Proceedings of May 11, 2005, San Francisco, CA

Controlling Undaria and Invasive Kelps through Management of the Gametophyte
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species, Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species
The Invasion and Impacts of Tamarisk in Tijuana Estuary Salt Marshes, and Ecosystem Recovery After Its Removal
Project Profile
Quantifying and Minimizing the Risk that Hatchery Enhancement Will Reduce Genetic Diversity of White Seabass
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research
Fisheries Habitat Characterization of the California Continental Margin
Videos and Multimedia
Subject: General Interest, Marine Education, Subject: General Interest, Marine Education
Catch and Release of California Sheephead: Physiological and Behavioral Stress Effects and Post-Release Survival
Project Profile
Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research
Calcium Requirements and the Spread of Zebra Mussels
Project Profile
Sardine Disease: Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
Project Profile
Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research