Title | Publication Date | Project Numbers |
California Sea Grant Program Directory 2005 Reports and Fact Sheets |
A Comprehensive Oyster Disease Survey in California Project Profile Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science |
Managing Hull Transport of Aquatic Invasive Species, CD of Workshop Proceedings of May 11, 2005, San Francisco, CA |
Controlling Undaria and Invasive Kelps through Management of the Gametophyte Project Profile Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species, Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species |
The Invasion and Impacts of Tamarisk in Tijuana Estuary Salt Marshes, and Ecosystem Recovery After Its Removal Project Profile |
Quantifying and Minimizing the Risk that Hatchery Enhancement Will Reduce Genetic Diversity of White Seabass Project Profile Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research |
Fisheries Habitat Characterization of the California Continental Margin Videos and Multimedia Subject: General Interest, Marine Education, Subject: General Interest, Marine Education |
Catch and Release of California Sheephead: Physiological and Behavioral Stress Effects and Post-Release Survival Project Profile Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research |
Calcium Requirements and the Spread of Zebra Mussels Project Profile |
Sardine Disease: Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Project Profile Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Subject: Commercial Fisheries, Fisheries Research |