
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
Sediment Supply and Marsh Development in the San Francisco Estuary
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
An Experimental Investigation of the Use of Artificial Reefs to Mitigate the Loss of Giant Kelp Forest Habitat
Subject: Environmental Science
Parasite Shed in Cat Feces Kills Sea Otters
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Marine Education, Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Marine Education, Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Marine Education
Protistan Microzooplankton in the Suisan Bay Food Web: Source or Sink?
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries, Subject: Aquaculture, Commercial Fisheries
Foraging Ecology of the California Sea Lion
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Using Stratigraphic and Hydrologic Data from the Yuba River System to Develop Reliable Sediment Transport Predictions
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Fall Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Spawning Escapement Estimate and Age Composition for a Tributary of the Smith River, California—23-Year Analysis
Subject: Aquaculture
Marine Bio-Nanotechnology: High-Performance Materials from Sponge Silicatein
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Relationship Between Bluff Erosion and Beach Sand Supply for the Oceanside Littoral Cell
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Anthropogenic Impacts on Rocky Intertidal Mollusks in Southern California: Compiling Historical Baseline and Quantifying the Extent of the Problem
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science