News archives

New Portal Tracks Coastal Health
Real-time data helps protect $45 billion marine economy from the effects of ocean acidification and oxygen depletion

California Sea Grant Welcomes New Aquaculture Extension Specialist
Simona Augyte will build a new program expanding opportunities for Southern California aquaculture

California Sea Grant Expands Commercial Fishing Training Program with Federal Funding
Apprenticeship program to strengthen fishing workforce in three coastal regions

Savoring Fresh Seaweed
Working with chefs, California Sea Grant is helping consumers understand the appeal of fresh seaweed

Taking the aquaculture temperature
A new California Sea Grant report explores nonprofits’ views on California aquaculture

Understanding how the Pacific understands aquaculture
California Sea Grant is leading a collaborative effort to assess and strengthen public knowledge of a promising industry

Preparing abalone for a precarious future
New study suggests white abalone are vulnerable to warming — but genetics might make a difference

Elevating seafood sustainability and safety in a climate of change
Collaborative effort bridges science and public health

Rewriting Pacific swordfish boundaries
A new, comprehensive dataset clarifies where swordfish travel — which has reworked international management plans

Fort Bragg has the best kind of blues
Collaborative efforts to develop a new “blue economy” include a new California Sea Grant extension fellow

The birth of the California Current Acidification Network
When oyster larvae started dying in record numbers, California Sea Grant jumped into action

Sharing Ocean Space to Boost Seafood Production
California Sea Grant’s New Website Offers Solutions For Shrinking America’s Seafood Deficit

Readying Southern California for a Growing Aquaculture Industry:
Designing and launching a community college aquaculture workforce development program

Roe Crops: How Sacramento Became the Caviar Capital of the U.S.
Bolstered by steady funding assistance from California Sea Grant, California’s white sturgeon were successfully brought into domestication

Who’s At Risk? A New California Sea Grant Study Assesses Contaminant Levels in Spiny Lobster & Crab Harvested from San Diego Bay
Where shellfish is caught and which parts are eaten can impact risks.

Q&A with former California Sea Grant Seafood Specialist Pamela Tom
Part of a special series celebrating California Sea Grant's 50th anniversary

How 50 years of California Sea Grant research kept abalone on the menu
Despite challenges brought by invasive pests and disease, California’s abalone are still hanging on.

Celebrate local this holiday season with a new California seafood finder
A new interactive website helps customers find local, sustainable seafood

California Sea Grant Receives Nearly $700,000 To Develop New Hatchery Technologies For Seaweed Farming
Funding will address critical knowledge gaps in propagating seaweed and expanding U.S. seaweed markets

California Sea Grant Awarded Nearly $630,000 In Yellowtail Research Funding
Improving production of this commercially ready marine fish for aquaculture will help reduce America’s reliance on imported seafood

“Fishing for Meaning”
The underlying social significance of harvesting and eating seafood from urban San Diego Bay