Narrative Guidelines

All headings (apart from the Project Title) should left justified; margins 1 inch and type size 12 pt.; single space all narrative text.

Project Title: Upper Case, Centered

Project Leaders(s): Alpha B. Smith, Professor of Biology, UC California

Associated Staff: Bass, Thomas O., Research Specialist, Fisheries Institute


In abstract form, state the rationale for your project (a well-defined problem or important opportunity). Identify who will use the results and how, and summarize the proposed work. Show a clear relationship between the problem statement and the project objectives. Limit to 1 page.

Project Objective(s), Timetable, Estimated Cost

The objectives should be well defined and clearly stated.

Work to Date (Background)

State previous work by you and others on the problem, as well as the current extent of knowledge.

Approach to be Used (Plan of Work)

Present the scientific/technical approach, experiments, procedures, etc., according to the timetable above. Also, identify and discuss any new approaches (innovativeness) to solving problems and exploiting opportunities in resource management or development, or in public outreach on such issues that will be employed; alternatively, the degree to which the proposed activity will focus on new types of importan,t or potentially important, resources and issues. Also discuss the role of project personnel. A good rule is to allocate at least half of your narrative to this section.

Need for the Project (Justification) and Potential Use of Results

State why the project should be a program development initiative instead of proceeding through California Sea Grant's standard Core proposal process. Merit, rationale, and utilization for the research proposed are the major criteria by which projects are evaluated by the Sea Grant office. Thus, a clear, concise statement of the "real world" needs for your research (rationale) and description of who will use the results and how this will be accomplished (utilization) should be addressed in this section of the narrative. It is expected that you will make contacts with industry and government agencies who will benefit from the results of your project, so be specific when addressing this. Letters of support are important, especially if cooperative activities are planned. If you have letters of support for your proposed activity, please include a copy with your proposal.

Dissemination of Results

State your expected research results and discuss how they will be disseminated (symposia, workshops, demonstrations, personal advising, technical publications, when, and to whom, e.g., contacts with government or industry users). Also, identify how California Sea Grant Extension Program will be involved in information transfer of project results.