- Funding
- Managing Your Award
- California Ocean Protection Council - Prop 84
California Ocean Protection Council - Prop 84
Grant #C0303000 (Prop 84 funds)
- OPC Condition of Award
For the use of grant funds and reporting requirements, please review the California Model Agreement Terms and Conditions UTC-518 University Terms & Conditions
- Financial reporting and invoicing requirements
Requests for Disbursement: Sea Grant requires that a report of expense be submitted no less than quarterly and no more than monthly. Failure to submit a quarterly report and supporting documents will relieve Sea Grant of its obligation to disburse funds to the grantee unless and until the grantee corrects all deficiencies. The project leader or administrative contact should submit the reports of expense through their institution’s grants management or extramural funds office. Please use the OPC project workbook form (.xls) as a template for your period financial report.
The periodic financial report must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation:
A ledger detailing all expenditures incurred by the research project for the period during which work was performed and the project lead is now seeking reimbursement. This should be compiled in coordination with your campus and/or organization’s grants administrator. Receipts or any other source documents for all direct expenditures by the research project. When invoicing for labor costs please include staff position, hourly wage, number of hours, and the total costs. Travel Expense Claim forms and all receipts for travel expenses incurred by the research project. Sea Grant will reimburse travel and related expenses in accordance with University of California regulations; reimbursement shall not exceed University of California-approved travel rates (published at UC Travel Policy) that are in effect at the time that the expense is incurred. Copies of all receipts for travel expenses including food expenses will be required. Lodging rates shall be reasonable. Equipment purchases shall comply with Department of General Services State Contracting Manual (SCM) Section 7.29 – Equipment Purchases, if applicable. A summary of work performed in relation to the expenses listed in the invoice. This should be a brief (i.e. two paragraphs) description of the work that was performed during the quarter or invoicing period. It should explain the activities for which the project lead spent research funds and how the activities were consistent with the research project work plan (budget, timeline, tasks, etc.). Please note that this brief summary is different from the annual progress report required for multi-year projects. Requirements for the annual progress report are described below.University of California, San Diego
Fiscal Team, CA Sea Grant College Program
9500 Gilman Drive Dept. 0232
La Jolla, CA 92093-0232Email:
For more information on payment and invoicing, please see University Terms & Conditions
Reimbursement cannot be made until the Sea Grant office has approved the periodic financial report. The report must include the billing period back-up documentation as stated above to support the payment or reimbursement being requested. All financial reports must be directed to the following address:
- Research and reporting requirements
At the end of every budget year a progress report is required. Submit the progress report using the eSeaGrant online portal. Failure to submit an annual report will relieve The Regents of the University of California of its obligation to disburse funds to the grantee unless and until the grantee corrects all deficiencies.
The annual and final progress report will include:
- The name of the recipient, the project number, the agreement number, date of the report, and the period of time covered by the report.
- A summary comparing the actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives (timelines, tasks, budget etc.) established in the work plan, the findings of the investigator; reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate;
- Problems encountered and how they were resolved. If a problem arises that is likely to seriously delay progress, the problem and some strategy for overcoming it needs to be described.
- Final reports
For terminating projects, a final report of the scientific/ technical results substantiating completion of the research project in compliance with the work program must be submitted via eSeaGrant within 30 days. Final reports will be made publicly available on the Sea Grant website and thus shared with a broad audience.
The final technical report must include the following components:
- The name of the recipient, the project number, the agreement number, date of the report, and the period of time covered by the report.
- A summary comparing the actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives (timelines, tasks, budget etc.) established in the work plan, the findings of the investigator; reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate;
- Project Narrative: The narrative should summarize your research findings, highlight new knowledge discovery, and describe why this finding is important to management implications. This may be used for Sea Grant and/or Ocean Protection Council web page.
- Problems encountered and how they were resolved. If a problem arises that is likely to seriously delay progress, the problem and some strategy for overcoming it needs to be described.
- A list of publications (with electronic copies of each).
- A list of presentations (with electronic copies of each).
- Following completion of a research project under the approved work program and budget for that project, the project leaders are responsible for the production and delivery of a final report and a final invoice, as evidence of completion of the research project. Final project payments will be made following receipt and acceptance of all deliverables.
- Final invoice
The grantee shall submit a final invoice within forty-five days after the completion date provided in the University of California purchase order section “Funded Projects.” Final payment for costs incurred will be disbursed upon Sea Grant determination of satisfactory completion of the final fully executed report of expenses and final report as described above.
Final project payments will be made only after receipt and acceptance by the Sea Grant Director of the deliverables described above and compliance with all reporting requirements.
- No-cost extension
Requests for no-cost extensions must be submitted to the Sea Grant Director no later than four (4) months prior to the project end date. Requests must include the reasons for the request and the new requested project end date. Any extensions are granted solely at the discretion of Sea Grant and OPC. Requests should be submitted electronically to the Sea Grant Director, Shauna Oh, via Rose Madson, Business Manager at
- Rebudgeting of funds
All rebudgeting of funds into or from equipment, foreign travel and indirect cost categories require prior approval of the Sea Grant Director. Approval is not necessary for rebudgets whose cumulative transfer does not exceed 10% of the total award and does not affect the categories listed above. Notification of the transfer by email to the Sea Grant Director via the Sea Grant Business Manager at in the format below is the only requirement for transfers which do not require approval. In cases where the cumulative transfer exceeds 10% include the state award number (C0303000), as well as your campus account and fund numbers (subcontracts should specify their purchase order number). For each category requiring the rebudgeting of funds, include 1) an explanation of the benefit the project received and/or the reason you did not require the item originally budgeted, and 2) the balance of funds projected to be remaining at the end of the project year. In addition, include the following information:
- Equipment – Provide a description of the equipment to be purchased or leased, including unit cost and total purchase or leasing costs. Identify the purpose of each equipment item and how it will benefit or be used for the project.
- Travel – If a trip is required, include the number of travelers, to/from destinations @ $/ea., type of transportation (airfare, mileage), and total. Identify the purpose of each separate trip and how it is related to the project.
- Indirect Costs – Funds may be transferred between direct and indirect costs if ALL of the following conditions apply:
- If a transfer of funds among direct cost categories would result in a revision to the amount of indirect costs approved in the line item budget;
- If the authorized transfer of funds and the adjustment of the amount of indirect costs do not exceed the approved total project costs;
- If the indirect cost rate does not change; and
- If the adjustment of the amount of indirect costs does not result in a change to the approved scope of work of the award.
- Work products
The California Natural Resources Agency Open Data platform or eSeaGrant will serve as the formal vehicle for delivery of all data, work, and information associated with funded projects. Sea Grant retains the right to request that grantees upload their data and metadata to other open data systems, as appropriate. Final project payment will not be made until data and metadata have been received.
- Publications and presentations
It is essential that you and your trainees properly acknowledge support by Sea Grant, OPC, and the State of California in all materials that you publish as a result of your Sea Grant project.
Please be sure to acknowledge support by these organizations and entities when presentations are made. This visibility has become increasingly important to us and is a courtesy we take seriously.
- Publications statement of acknowledgment
All publications must carry one of the following acknowledgements.
This publication (web site, video, etc.) was supported (“in part” if appropriate) by the California Ocean Protection Council, under Grant Agreement #C0303000, project #R/_______, through the California Sea Grant College Program. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of any of those organizations.
A primary goal is the dissemination of results of funded research and its ultimate use by coastal audiences. Communications staff and consultants from the collaborating organizations may contact you during the grant course. We encourage you to assist them as much as possible in carrying out their outreach activities. We may also invite you to participate in workshops, seminars, and other meetings.
SPECIAL NOTE: Your assistance in providing timely and meaningful documentation of the impact your work has made will be considered in evaluation of future proposal submissions. Furthermore, continued or new funding of any Sea Grant project with which you are affiliated will be withheld until previous, outstanding reporting and deliverables are fulfilled.
- Travel
Reimbursement for travel expenses shall be made in accordance with University of California approved travel rates. All requests must include a Travel Expense Claim related to the travel and expenses for which reimbursement is sought.

- California Sea Grant Core Awards
- California Ocean Protection Council - Prop 84
- Marine Protected Area Monitoring Program