
Name Year Fellow Type Host Agency
Aalto, Emilius Fellow
An, Rose Fellow San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
Anderson, Thomas Fellow
Angel, Aaron Fellow, State Delta Stewardship Council Planning and Performance Division
Baibak, Bethany Fellow California Department of Parks and Recreation
Balaji, Pooja Fellow, State Delta Science Program
Barnett, Lewis Fellow
Barnett-Johnson, Rachel Fellow
Bent, Eleanor Fellow California State Coastal Conservancy
Bevan, Alexandria Fellow California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Beyer, Sabrina Fellow
Bills, Marissa Fellow, Graduate Research
Birdwell, Tabitha Fellow Delta Science Program Collaborative Science and Peer Review Unit
Bodel, Annie Fellow, State Port of San Diego
Bowen, Lilamarie Fellow San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Bowers-Doerning, Chelsea Fellow Port of San Diego
Bragg, Wendy Fellow California State Coastal Conservancy
Brauer, Ellie Fellow California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Bray, Erin Fellow
Brower (Wheeler) , Sarah Fellow California Ocean Science Trust (OST)
Brown, Valerie Fellow
Buck, Kristen Fellow
Carrillo, Elsie Cecilia Fellow, Delta Delta Science Program
Carver, Nicholas Fellow, State California State Water Resources Control Board
Cecil, Will Fellow California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Cervantes, Emma Fellow, State California State Lands Commission
Chang, Andrew Fellow
Chhor, James Fellow California State Water Resources Control Board
Chiachi, Amanda Fellow California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Cieri, Katie Fellow, State California Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
Cole, Brian Fellow
Contolini, Gina Fellow California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Cook, Samantha Fellow NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Cooper, Kacy Fellow, State NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Cozy, Mary Fellow