Quagga (Dreissena bugensis) and zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) mussels have caused numerous economic and ecological impacts where they have been introduced. This manual was developed to help direct early detection monitoring efforts for small lakes, reservoirs and streams in California that are believed to be free of invasive quagga and zebra mussels. The methods presented here are intended for citizen volunteer groups involved with or interested in monitoring aquatic organisms. Your work in helping identify the extent of the spread of these invasive species through early detection monitoring will be vital for minimizing the occurrence of additional infestations and for the application of effective treatment methods. While this manual addresses the situation in California, the majority of the information is broadly applicable to other states and countries. We hope that this manual facilitates proactive measures that minimize the impacts of these and other aquatic invasive species in California and elsewhere.
Publication Number: T-069
Authors: California Sea Grant Extension Program and University of California Cooperative Extension: Carolynn S. Culver, Ph.D., Sabrina L. Drill, Ph.D., Monique R. Myers, D.Env, Valerie T. Borel
Product Type: Paperback, coil bound
ISBN: 978-1-888691-22-1
Language: English
Copyright Date: 2009
Length: 46pp.
Price: Free download