Climate change preparation should include water quality improvement and conservation measures, particularly in urban ecosystems. The project site, Manzanita Canyon, was located in the heart of a “disadvantaged” community where action is needed to increase resiliency of both the urban community and the ecosystem.
This two-year project improved water quality and climate resilience of an urban ecosystem and an underserved community by engaging 2,253 community members in stewardship activities; restoring 7.56 acres of native coastal scrub ecosystem, including planting, maintaining and monitoring 1,536 natives; and removing 22 metric tons (758 m3) of invasive plants and trash. For more information on project results, see the related press release and the final and post-award reports (to the right and below).
Below, find final summary reports for the two-year project, Building Climate Resilience of Urban Waters, Ecosystems, and Communities.
Project team: L. Goodwin, J. Barkan- Ocean Discovery Institute; E. Bowlby- San Diego Canyonlands; T.S. Talley, N. Venuti, C. Adams- California Sea Grant
Funding: California Coastal Conservancy Prop 1 Funds