Since 2015, California Sea Grant has been contracted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) as an unbiased, independent, evidence-based entity to assist with evaluation (2015-2017) and information gathering (2018 and current) to inform decisions related to the future of the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP).
The OREHP is an experimental program that investigates the use of cultured fish to enhance wild populations. It was created by a California statute in 1982, is managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and is paid for by ocean enhancement stamps on state fishing licenses and the Federal Sportfishing Restoration Act.
Results of the 2017 Evaluation and subsequent 2018 stakeholder feedback indicated the need for a science-based, stakeholder-participatory process in order to foster a shared understanding of OREHP outcomes, strategic goals, and future of the program. The goal of this effort, to create an effective process for collaboratively developing a vision, evaluation criteria, and options for the future of OREHP, is being achieved by:
1. Identifying and characterizing stakeholders of the OREHP through outreach and networking.
2. Designing and conducting an effective participatory process to gather diverse stakeholder input using a variety of methods.
3. Evaluating and modifying the process and associated protocols, as needed, for continued use in informing decisions surrounding the OREHP that consider stakeholder values and priorities.
For more information, visit the CDFW OREHP webpage.
PIs, Staff & Partners: Theresa S Talley, Ashleigh Palinkas, California Sea Grant & Kai Lorenzen, Susana Hervas, Joy Hazell, University of Florida
Project Number

Project Date Range
2018-01 – 2018-12
Following the publication of the evaluation report, CDFW contracted California Sea Grant to gather public input, through three town hall meetings in Southern California, to help inform recommendations and decisions to be made by CDFW with advice from the Ocean Resources Enhancement Advisory Panel (OREAP) regarding the future of the program. The goal to gather public opinion on the social values and future direction of the OREHP was met by:
1. Developing materials for soliciting and collecting informed public input.
2. Gathering public input from a diversity of stakeholder groups throughout Southern California by: a) administering anonymous surveys and encouraging public comment at three town hall meetings, and b) issuing a call for post-town hall public comment for stakeholders who could not attend the meetings.
3. Summarizing public input in a report.
PI and staff: Theresa S Talley, Nina Venuti
See the final report on the results from the town halls on CDFW's website: Results of the 2018 Town Hall Meetings for the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (2018).
Project Number
Project Date Range
2014-12 – 2018-12
Prior to 2015, there had been no formal assessment of the OREHP, so there was a need to assess the degree to which goals had been achieved. From 2015-2017, California Sea Grant (CASG) was contracted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to facilitate a scientific review to assess the success of the OREHP in meeting its goals. This review was accomplished by:
1. Assembling a Science Advisory Committee (SAC) and expert sub-panels.
2. Assembling information from Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute (HSWRI) and CDFW needed to perform an evaluation.
3. Synthesizing subpanel reviews, assisting the SAC with the development of the project evaluation and recommendations, and helping the SAC write the report.
PIs and staff: Theresa S Talley, Rick Starr, James Eckman, Nina Venuti
See the final evaluation report on CDFW's website: Evaluation of the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (2017).