
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
Submarine Groundwater and Its Influence on Beach Pollution
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Sublethal Toxic Effects of Water Pollution on Red Abalone
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research, Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research
Studying gravel bars in rivers to identify what features facilitate groundwater exchanges that create good Chinook salmon spawning habitat
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research, Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research
Stopping the Escape of Aquarium Plants into Coastal Waters
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science, Marine Education, Subject: Environmental Science, Marine Education
Stop the Spread of Dwarf Eelgrass

Stop Ballast Water Invasions Brochure and Poster
Educational Materials
Subject: Aquatic Invasive Species, Marine Education, Subject: Aquatic Invasive Species, Marine Education
Spreading Non-Native Species through the Live-Bait Trade?
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture
Spatio-temporal variation of floodplain habitat for restoration management
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Spatial Management of Fishes
Project Profile
Subject: Fisheries Research
Source characterization and biogeochemical consequences of wastewater and agricultural C, N, and P inputs to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science