Research Projects

Project Number Title Focus Area Start / End Date
R/SFBR-43 Sacramento River Steelhead Trout: An Assessment of Behavioral Differences and Contributions of Hatchery and Wild Stocks Education, Training and Public Information -
R/SF-55 Salinity Tolerances and Biomarkers of Salt Stress in Longfin and Delta Smelt Education, Training and Public Information -
A/AE-39P San Diego Seafood: Then and Now Education, Training and Public Information, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture -
R/MPA-24 Sandy Beach Ecosystems: Baseline Characterization and Evaluation of Monitoring Metrics for MPAs along the South Coast of California -
Santa Barbara Area Coastal Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment (SBA CEVA) Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies
R/SF-45 Saving San Francisco Bay-Delta Native Fishes: Hatchery Management and Reintroduction Strategies Education, Training and Public Information -
R/ENV-221 Scale Insects: Emergent Threats to Salt Marsh Restoration Healthy Coastal Ecosystems -
R/HCE-17 Scaling a new cost-effective intervention tool to restore and future-proof coastal kelp forests Healthy Coastal Ecosystems -
R/SF-61 Scaling of the Portfolio Effect in Central Valley Chinook Salmon: Trends and Implications Education, Training and Public Information -
R/SOC-04 Scaling Up Cost-Effective Community Engagement in Coastal Resource Management Education, Training and Public Information -