Research Projects

Project Number Title Focus Area Start / End Date
AQ-140PD Native seaweed aquaculture in Tomales Bay: Gracilariopsis andersonii cultivation techniques and associated ecosystem services Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture -
R/SF-96 Multiple Stressors in the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed: Effects of high temperature and low oxygen on the survival and physiology of early life stage Chinook salmon Education, Training and Public Information -
R/OPCCFRW-3 Mortality and Population Abundance of Three Species of Paralabrax off San Diego, California Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture -
R/SF-85 Monitoring Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon life history diversity, growth, and habitat use among varying hydroclimatic regimes Education, Training and Public Information -
R/MPA-48 Monitoring and evaluation of mid-depth rocky reef ecosystems in the MLPA marine protected area Healthy Coastal Ecosystems -
R/MPA-43 Monitoring and evaluation of kelp forest ecosystems in the MLPA marine protected area network Healthy Coastal Ecosystems -
R/FISH-216 Molecular Identification of Fish Eggs and Larvae: Enhancing the Value of Icthyoplankton Surveys in Monitoring and Management Healthy Coastal Ecosystems -
R/SF-52 Modeling Wetland Plant Cover to Assess Ecosystems and Bird Habitats Education, Training and Public Information -
E/PD-8 Modeling the Effects of Interspecies Facilitation on Recruitment Success and Population Stability in Dwarf Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) Education, Training and Public Information -
R/SF-78 Modeling pesticide loadings into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: potential impacts on weed biological control Education, Training and Public Information -