California Seaweed Festival

DateMonday, November 16, 2020 | 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM

California Sea Grant is supporting the California Seaweed Festival in 2020, to celebrate all things seaweed in California! 

Join us each day for one hour of live presentations at 4-5 PM Pacific time each day. Each session has several presenters introducing their work and talking live questions from our social media channels. At other times during each day, the festival will be screening prerecorded content on the day's theme, through the California Seaweed Festival YouTube channel

As part of the festival, California Sea Grant Extension Specialist Luke Gardner will speak on the virtual panel on Sustainable Innovation on Friday, November 20th at 4-5pm PST.

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About the California Seaweed Festival

The California Seaweed Festival arose from the decades of studying seaweeds, admiring their beauty and learning myriad ways that seaweeds make life better.

We want to share the beauty and diversity of seaweeds on our coasts, how seaweeds enrich coastal environments making seawater cleaner and a better habitat for hundreds of other species. We are inspired by all the ways that people use seaweeds, for food, fuel, climate resilience, awe and fun. Many Californians don’t know about the hundreds of kinds of seaweeds that flourish on our coast. 

This virtual event will include sessions on seaweed farming, seaweed as food, science, sustainable innovation, art, activism, and fun. 


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