Goal 6: Ocean-based Marine Debris Prevention & Cleanup
The California Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy (CA OLS) outlines actions that stakeholders can take to prevent and reduce ocean litter in California. Led by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program and the California Ocean Protection Council, with coordinating support from California Sea Grant, the CA OLS community holds bi-annual goal-oriented workgroups to discuss Strategy progress and relevant updates. The February 2022 workgroups will include updates from CA OLS partners, agency updates, and legislative developments surrounding marine debris efforts in California. See below for specific dates and times of each goal meeting. If interested in joining any of the workgroup calls , please reach out to the respective workgroup lead (listed below) for meeting invite information.
If interested, please reach out to Tanya Torres (Tanya.Torres@noaa.gov) for meeting invite information.