Academic Roadshow- San Francisco State University

DateThursday, March 05, 2020 | 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM

In 2020 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC), Ocean Science Trust (OST), California Sea Grant, and USC Sea Grant are visiting universities around the state in a series of "academic roadshows." The goal is to srengthen connections between OPC, OST, California’s Sea Grant programs and the academic research community in California to understand the current landscape of coast and ocean-related scientific research and provide a foundation for strategic science investments that accelerate progress towards state policy goals. 

This event at SFSU is the second in the series. After introductions from the Sea Grant programs, OPC, and OST, OPC will introduce their new strategic plan and engage in discussion with SFSU researchers. In the afternoon SFSU scientists will present recent work through talks and poster presentations. 

Event Type