
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
Evaluation of the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
2017 Community Update
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
2017 Spring Monitoring Report
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Fisheries Research
Invasive Seaweeds: Identification Guide and Flyer
Educational Materials
Subject: Aquatic Invasive Species
Examining the effects of perennial pepper weed on tidal marsh ecosystems and identifying strategies to stop the noxious weed’s spread
Project Profile
Subject: Aquatic Invasive Species
Optimizing salt marsh harvest mouse conservation through an investigation of demography, habitat use andmulti-species management
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Studying gravel bars in rivers to identify what features facilitate groundwater exchanges that create good Chinook salmon spawning habitat
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research, Subject: Environmental Science, Fisheries Research
Determining thermal tolerances of longfin smelt and inland silverside and develop biomarkers of thermal stress using new genomics technology
Project Profile
Subject: Fisheries Research
Dam Remediation Improves Fish Passage on Mill Creek
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: Environmental Science
California Sea Grant "By The Numbers" - published 2017
Reports and Fact Sheets
Subject: General Interest