
Title Publication Date Project Numbers
Using Stratigraphic and Hydrologic Data from the Yuba River System to Develop Reliable Sediment Transport Predictions
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Fall Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Spawning Escapement Estimate and Age Composition for a Tributary of the Smith River, California—23-Year Analysis
Subject: Aquaculture
Marine Bio-Nanotechnology: High-Performance Materials from Sponge Silicatein
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Relationship Between Bluff Erosion and Beach Sand Supply for the Oceanside Littoral Cell
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
Anthropogenic Impacts on Rocky Intertidal Mollusks in Southern California: Compiling Historical Baseline and Quantifying the Extent of the Problem
Project Profile
Subject: Environmental Science
The Biomedical Potential of California Marine Organisms
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture
A Comprehensive Oyster Disease Survey in California
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Subject: Aquaculture, Environmental Science
Managing Hull Transport of Aquatic Invasive Species, CD of Workshop Proceedings of May 11, 2005, San Francisco, CA

Controlling Undaria and Invasive Kelps through Management of the Gametophyte
Project Profile
Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species, Subject: Aquaculture, Aquatic Invasive Species
Scientific Blue-Water Diving
Subject: General Interest, Marine Education, Subject: General Interest, Marine Education