Fishing First Aid & Safety Training (FFAST)

Two groups of fishermen on the deck of a fishing boat practice packaging and carrying an injured crewmate safely.

Photo: Trav Williams


commercial fishing is a challenging - and rewarding - occupation

The risk of injury is always present. Although the U.S. Coast Guard recommends one or more crewmembers to be first-aid and CPR trained, most first-aid courses assume there will be quick access to an ambulance and hospital. The more likely scenario: fishermen will need to use their training during a long, physically demanding day in rough seas. 

This course is specifically designed for commercial fishermen, and customizes existing wilderness first aid training to better prepare fishermen to prevent and treat injuries encountered at sea. 

The training considers small crews, common injuries, vessel environments, cold water, rough seas and delayed emergency response times. It includes additional topics that are of specific interest to people who work and/or recreate on the water. It addresses information relevant to the types of illnesses & injuries that are more common in marine environments, and is applicable to situations that might arise on the water. 

free, 2-day training

FFAST is structured as a condensed, 2-day course so that working captains & crew can get back to fishing safely, (F)FAST! Full vessel crews are encouraged to attend. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the U.S. Coast Guard requirements for:

  • Adult CPR & AED 
  • Basic First Aid
  • Valid for 2 years

Free, 3-Day Training

CA Sea Grant has partnered with the Alaska Marine Safety Training Association (AMSEA) to provide both FFAST + AMSEA Drill Conductor trainings free of charge to our California commercial fishing fleets. We recommend that students take both courses consecutively in order to maximize the knowledge gained and skills practiced for overall best implementation of safety at sea. 

An example of 3-day training is: 

Day 1TimeTopicsPractice Skills
FFAST8:30am - 4:30pmScene Assessment
Securing the scene, immediate life-threatening injuries, hailing USCG, medical history
FFAST Trauma: Wounds, Bleeding, Burns
Direct pressure, tourniquets, wound irrigation, sterile dressings
FFAST Orthopedic: Sprains, Fractures, Overuse InjuriesSplints, slings, hazard assessment
FFAST Cardiac and Respiratory IssuesCPR, rescue breaths, AED, Epi pens, NarCan
FFAST Patient Packages and CarriesEmergency scenarios, spine stability
Day 28:30am - 1:30pmHypothermia and Environmental InjuriesHypothermic "burrito"
FFAST Neurological Injuries, Head & Spinal injuries
Assessing for stroke, diabetic shock, seizures, concussion, and skull fracture dressing
FFAST Abdominal Injuries & Illnesses Diagnosis and treatment
FFAST Drowning
Lecture only; intro to AMSEA man overboard/abandon ship
Run emergency scenarios on board a (docked) fishing vessel
FFAST Review & Paperwork
Jeopardy game, Q&A, issue CPR/AED/Basic First Aid certifications
AMSEA2:30pm - 5:30pmPaperwork 
AMSEA 7 Steps of SurvivalEmergency recognition, EPIRBs, MAYDAY calls
AMSEA Life RaftsDeployment and familiarity
AMSEA Immersion suits and PFD's
Test out/try on various PFD's; order free AMSEA
Day 38:30am - 5:30pmFirefightingFire Extinguish
AMSEA SignalingSignal flares
AMSEA Flooding & Damage Controldewatering pumps
Possible Day 4 depending on pool schedule
Cold-water Survival SkillsIn-water session
AMSEAMan Overboard RecoveryIn-water session
AMSEAAbandon Ship ProceduresIn-water session

This course meets the US Coast Guard training requirements for drill conductors on commercial fishing vessels, 46 CFR 28.270(c)


CA Sea Grant is gauging interest from regions across California to provide FFAST as well as the California Commercial Fishing Apprenticeship Program to your fleet. Email for more information and to let us know if you're interested in any of these opportunities, and we look forward to working with you to find the best times for your region's fishing season.